
AAF Omaha Public Service Committee needs your help!

AAFO’s Public Service committee is looking for passionate creative people who want to use their talents to make a difference.This committee provides exceptional opportunities for newbies and tenured professionals alike to work with new people and teams, enjoy new experiences, all while doing making a lasting, positive impact on our community.

Heartland Hope is the largest food pantry in the State of Nebraska. Its primary program is Homelessness and Hunger Prevention, a program designed to help the working poor by providing food, clothing, hygiene products and household items to individuals who do not have the financial means or supportive services to otherwise acquire these items.

The organization is focused on serving the working poor and low-income families while creating an environment where independence is fostered.

Heartland Hope wants to raise awareness of the plight of the working poor, and ask for the public’s assistance in volunteering, hosting a food drive and/or donating.

We are seeking web designers and programmers (or an agency with both) to develop their new website;
and two-three people to help craft and execute a PR and social media strategy to announce the Mission’s move to their new building
—all by March 15.

Please contact Angel Carl (402) 578-5788 or Bob Mancuso to learn more.  Our first committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 20.  Most of the strategic work has been completed and we’re now ready to start development of the new website started with hopes of completion by mid March, 2015.

If you or your agency can assist, we would be so appreciative to hear from you!
Your AAF Omaha Public Service Chairs,

Angel Carl and Bob Mancuso



(402) 578-5788



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