
AAFO Membership Committee Update: Engagement

April head shot 012013 DSC_6641Submitted by April Clark, Membership Committee co-chair

Our AAF Omaha Club membership is all about engagement – every email or phone call with questions, every complaint, every voicemail, email or message… is engagement.   Each time we ask a member to become active in any way – small or large… is engagement.  Every person invited to an AdBites luncheon, or a 6 in 60 event, or OAX trade show is engagement.  So it stands to reason that the more engagement, the more satisfied members, and the more members feel engaged, the more members of AAF Omaha and renewals are a given.  These are our ultimate goals.

So when you, as a member of AAF Omaha, are asked to participate on a committee, or to serve on the AAF Omaha board, or to speak on a panel, or to do any one of a bunch of volunteer jobs – “just say yes!”.  You will be glad you did – because you will be engaged with AAF Omaha, and when you are engaged – you are an active member of our club – and you are a valued-added member. Plus, guess what! You actually get even more out of the organization yourself.  Funny how that works.

The ultimate engagement with AAF Omaha happens when each of us invites others to our events and meetings.  When your work brings you into contact with other advertising professionals, other marketing people, other folks who would benefit from the education programs AAF Omaha offers… invite them to a luncheon.  Then introduce them to others at the meeting and get them engaged!  See how it works?

The rule for organizations like AAF Omaha – the more engaged people we can attract, the more members we can influence and teach, the more successful AAF Omaha will grow and become.

So two steps:

  1. Become engaged in AAF Omaha yourself – Volunteer and become active in AAF Omaha.
  2. Engage others – Invite others to join us and become active in AAF Omaha.

Are you engaged?  Are you engaging others?



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