
AAFO Membership Committee Update: Join Us!

April head shot 012013 DSC_6641Submitted by April Clark, Membership Committee co-chair

Greetings from your Membership Committee!

Membership is one of the keys for a successful AAF club, after all what is a club without members??!

Keeping membership levels up and active depends on the entire membership of the organization.

We all should be inviting new people to join because their presence helps us all.  The more active members – the more people you can meet.  The more active members – the more people you can network with.  The more members – the more you can learn from. The more members – the broader your interests will be.

The moral of this story… each member of AAF is an advocate of our club.
We all need to:
1.  Invite, Invite, Invite!
2.  Tell everyone you cross paths with about our club – you never know who
would love to come and join us – so tell them!
3.  Know the benefits of belonging to AAF:
– Advance your career through networking, grow your knowledge base, and
have fun doing it.
– Education – AdBites speakers, seminars and workshops.
– Compete in our industry events like the ADDYs® and various awards
– Share your knowledge with up and coming young people with Meet the Pros
– Network at special events like AdWars, Bowling, AAFOpen, holiday
parties, etc…
There are so many benefits, I can’t list them all.  So share them with
your associates, customers, and others!  Share the wealth!!


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