
AAFO Membership Committee Update: Perception

Jill Regester

Submitted by Jill Regester, Membership Committee Co-Chair

I recently heard someone say, “People think the AAF is a club for ad agency people only.”

Is that person’s perception a reality?

When I first joined what was then known as the OFA (Omaha Federation of Advertising) twenty years ago, my perception was (and still is) that ad club was made up of advertising and marketing industry professionals. Maybe that was because when I joined, I wasn’t working in at an ad agency?

Maybe I was naïve – maybe I still am?

Naive or not, it is a misperception that AAF is for ad agencies only. In fact, the majority of our club’s membership does not work at an advertising agency.

Our club’s mission states, “AAF Omaha exists to unite and prosper advertising, marketing and public relations professionals…” As AAF members, we have a responsibility to continue to grow our club with a diverse and inclusive membership base that will continue to fuel the local advertising, marketing and public relations industry into the future.

The Membership Committee is challenging you to reach out to your friends, former or current co-workers, clients – anyone you know who works in the industry – for example in a corporate marketing department, in the media, in a small business, or yes, at an agency, and share with them the following five ways they can improve themselves and their business by joining the AAF.

1. Ability to tap into others knowledge. Odds are that one of our members has already discovered the solution to a frustrating problem they are experiencing. The luncheons and networking opportunities the AAF offers create opportunities to share those best practices and fresh ideas.

2. Personal connections. Membership offers access to potential partnerships.

3. Enhanced reputation. The strong standing and reputation of the Omaha AAF club, bolsters the reputations of its members. Membership in a professional organization can help to build consumer confidence in their products or services.

4. Increased political influence and expertise. By joining the AAF your voice becomes part of an influential, united shout. Which is important when our industry is threatened with a political initiative and we need to quickly rally around the issue.

5. Discounts. As a member they will receive discounts on certain products and services.

Currently we stand at 175 professional members – we need 250 members to remain as a Division II AAF chapter.

Do your part – reach out and help grow membership, and as always, have a successful month and be active.


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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