
AdReads Then and Now

By Melodae Horst, AAF Nebraska, Professional Development and Event Co-Chair

The first AAF Nebraska AdReads was held nearly five years ago. Now, 18 authors later, if you’ve never attended an AdReads, you may want to add it to your list of experiences. In a Zoom event March 31, at noon, Jeremy Harris Lipschultz, Ph.D. will discuss his most recent book, Social Media Measurement: Entrepreneurial Digital Analytics, Second Edition.

AdReads is a chance to sit back relax over lunch and chat openly with the author and for the March event, it is also a professional development opportunity for advertising, marketing and social media professionals as well as students and teachers.

Many people may not realize the extent of data collection that permeates the everyday use of social media platforms or how far this data collection extends. Lipschultz’s book expands on social media communication perspectives applying them to the study of measurement and analytics.

In the preface of this new edition Lipschultz, wrote, “Social media users typically ignore data col­lection, which now extends to one’s facial recognition, the “smart home,” vehicles, work, and other important physical spaces.”

Lipschultz points out that there are few controls in place that regulate the use of this data that is being used to measure and manage social media communication. At the same time, tools to maximize marketing effectiveness to highly targeted audiences are evolving along with AI and machine learning.

“Clearly, there is a need to explore so-called “big data” not only for their utility, but also critical perspectives and ethical concerns,” Lipschultz wrote.

Join us for the March AdReads and the author in taking a closer look at social media analytics, digital data, strategic tools, best practices and principles that are important to explore in a continually evolving, complex and innovative environment.


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