
April 18, 2018 AdBites Recap

Dana Zucker for AAF O Events Page posting

Professional Development While You Eat
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Anthony’s Steakhouse
11:30 Networking, 12 Noon Luncheon

On April 18th AAF Omaha welcomed Dana Zucker the owner of Life Done Well.  Life Done Well is a collection of three on-line magazines and many niche social channels. Dana shared her expertise on Influence Marketing and presented four case studies including a local project. Dana presented the brand, the agency and the influencer perspectives. Dana is a true influence, matchmaker and an excellent presenter!

The comments we received from our program surveys were excellent:

  • Dana knows her stuff because she lives the life, great choice for a program!
  • New info – beneficial
  • I really don’t know a lot about his topic. I am already thinking of ways to utilize her tactics on smaller, non-profit levels.
  • Great local influencer working with national brands. Dana had a lot of information for me to use right away – she packed a lot into her 45 minutes. Would like to dig deeper with an education session with her.
  • Great information on a relevant topic
  • Relevant topic – very informative
  • Interesting topic
  • Interesting topic – makes me consider how I can make influencers work for clients

The Brand The Influencer and The Agency

Dana Zucker is a well know international brand/influencer match maker and has 1,000’s of influencers at her fingertips. She works with brands building campaigns to match on-line influencers with the proper brand to drive awareness, brand messaging and sales.  In addition she consults with brands on increasing their social media to do the same. Dana can be found speaking to influencers, brands and consumers on the use of social media.

Dana and her business partner Jonathan Baily run a program for agencies, brands and influencers for marketing and PR efforts called: The Brand The Influencer and the Agency. Building relationships to build a Brand. Social Influence used to be what was called word of mouth marketing, neighbor to neighbor, now that neighbor is a social influencer.  A recent campaign reached over 6 million impressions.

About Dana

Dana Zucker is is an adventure and luxury traveler as well as the owner of Life Done Well.  Life Done Well is a collection of three on-line magazines and many niche social channels.  Life Done Well includes the websites, MomsGoodEats, TriWivesClub, WineLoversVillage and LifeDoneWell. She is also Luxe TravelingMom for TravelingMom.com as well as freelance for various on-line and print outlets including Modern Mississauga and The Daily Meal. In addition to the web-sites and other outlets , Dana has over 12 niche social media channels. Each channel has followers that specifically relate to the outlet in order to keep engaged followers. She is both a social influencer and content curator.



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