
ICYMI from Centro

At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time consuming. To make that easier, we’ve compiled all the articles, reports, and other bits of innovation you may have missed, but should definitely read. Enjoy our latest lists below!

SMILE July 2018

4C_StateOfMedia_2018_Q2_Final with July SMILE

DIAL July 2018

It’s finally here! Our last, and dare we say – juiciest – piece of programmatic content to round out the Digital Days of Summer, and the glorious month of July. Behold, the Media Activation Blueprint.

Take a deeper look into converged media buying, where agencies leverage the best of both media worlds by bringing together all the independent silos (think planning, capabilities, operations, measurement, and direct media buying) into a single, holistic unit.

No really, what are you waiting for? Examine the current state of media buying convergence and read the full Media Activation Blueprint.


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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