
Leadership AAF Nebraska

2022-2023 Club Year Board of Director Nominations Open Now

Looking to develop yourself personally and professionally and to strengthen your leadership skills while sharing your talents with your local chapter of the American Advertising Federation?

The AAF Nebraska nomination committee is currently seeking nominations for several board of director positions that will be available for the 2022-2023 federation year. The board of directors’ approval process and election takes place in early June with the new board year starting July 1st.

Please contact our office or one of our nomination team members for more information about serving on the AAF Nebraska leadership team. Candidates need to be a member in good standing and have the ability to work and collaborate with a dedicated fun group of leaders planning professional development, educational programs, membership and public service projects all while advocating for the rights of advertisers.

Daryl Anderson, AAF Nebraska’s Chairman of the Board
Ann Woodford, AAF Nebraska’s President 
Jenna Baird, AAF Nebraska’s 1st Vice President
Cassi Warren, AAF Nebraska’s 2nd Vice President


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