
Meet the Pros 2020 Recap

Meet The Pros 2020This year during AAF Omaha – Meet the Pros 2020 the federation hosted more than 150 students, professors and young professionals.  Our next generation of advertising professionals learned “You Don’t Have to Go Far to Get Far.” These soon to be advertising, marketing and communication professional have been meeting deadlines, slogging through collaborations and critiques, and challenging conventions with their own ideas about creativity and career. We thank them for taking two days from their classrooms to join us in the real world of advertising.

Meet the Pros 2020 allowed attendees to participate in a once-a-year event teaming up-and-comers with area professionals. Attendees heard from local, regional and national keynotes and session leaders. Students had the opportunity to network and mingled with Omaha and Lincoln pros throughout the two day conference.

AAF Omaha celebrated 59 years of hosting Meet the Pros on February 17 & 18 at the Scott Conference Center on the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s Aksarben Village campus. With loads of new content for attendees we presented new speakers and topices this year along with more professionals from more categories, plus internships and scholarships for students to apply for.

Thank you to the more than 125 professionals giving their time to participate as event committee leaders, speakers, tour guides, table talk facilitators, portfolio and resume reviewers.  Many professionals took time to join Meet the Pros attendees at lunch each day to hear keynote presenters and interact with students.

Thank you to the following Meet the Pros 2020 team members and key Meet the Pros volunteers:

Jenna Baird, Bozell
Kevin Olive, Verizon Media
David Lempp, Centro
Marlee Ingham-Cowdrey, Bailey Lauerman
Kristen Fellhoelter, Verizon Media
Ethan Dornbursh, Verizon Media
Bozell Summer Interns 2019

For photos from this year’s event visit the AAF Omaha – Meet the Pros Facebook page.

Meet the Pros would not be possible without the support of our generous sponsors and volunteers. Thank you to our Meet the Pros 2020 sponsors!

2020 MTP Sponsors


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