
Membership Committee: Membership Is The Heart

Submitted by April Clark, Membership Committee Co-Chair

Membership is the heart of any organization.

Membership is the responsibility of the “Village”.

It takes all our members to recruit and invite new people to our luncheons and events.

It is also important to invite people to join AAF Omaha – which is a simple visit to our AAF Omaha web site and only $90 for a whole year of membership.

Our organization gives priceless training and networking opportunities to new ad agencies, list companies, media companies, vendors to our industry, and other related fields. When you make an acquaintance at any event – tell them about the value you get from AAF Omaha and invite, invite, invite!

Also – YOU need to become active in AAF Omaha – don’t just come to luncheons… volunteer for a committee! Join the Board of Directors as the head of a committee! Tell Teri you would like to sponsor a speaker or help with a particular event or just that you want to be more active – she will put you to work! You will get more out of your membership by becoming active in your AAF Omaha.

Don’t forget to renew your membership as soon as you receive the email from our office. It will save sending multiple emails, and save you time reading them.

Thank you for being a member of our local AAF club. We work hard to have interesting programs and fun events to interest you – and we are glad you are here!



Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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