
Membership Committee: September Update

April head shot 012013 DSC_6641Contributed by April Clark, AAF Omaha Board Member and Membership Committee Co-Chair

Membership is starting off the new club year with lofty goals for our membership team. We welcome new team members Stephanie Sullivan, Bob Richardson, and Kelly McDonald.

We plan to get our new colorful AAFO brochure out into the ad agencies that are not members. We plan to keep the board actively reconnecting with members who haven’t renewed yet. We hope to have an appreciation thank you event for members this year. We plan to “Engage” our members in the use of the new member Engage software. We plan to call and write notes to help with our renewal goals.

So (you ask) … “what exactly can I do to keep our club growing and vital??”

And I answer – invite your friends and neighbors in the ad agency world to come to a luncheon or an event. Introduce them around so they get a welcoming feel. Give them a brochure and ask them to join. Tell them about the AAF benefits that you enjoy:

– lots of great networking and exchanges of ideas

– programs they will enjoy and learn from

– the good feeling that comes with supporting their club

– the chance for no-bounds leadership opportunities

– the opportunity to meet folks in their industry they wouldn’t otherwise

– lots of fun activities to join in on

– national and local AAF discounts – on club events, luncheons, car

rentals, insurance, office supplies and more every day.

– Advocacy for our industry in the legislature

– Professional development at reasonable cost

– Plus much, much more.

The more people you and I invite – the more people in our industry that we all can network with. The more members we can learn from.

The moral of this story… each member of AAF is an advocate of our club.

So get out there are join a committee! Invite your friends! Help us grow!


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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