
Membership Committee Update


Submitted by April Clark, Membership Committee Co-Chair
Membership Renewal Benefits
We are chugging along, working with Teri Hamburger to encourage companies and people to renew their AAF memberships quickly after looking at our great club perks like:
– great networking events to expand your knowledge and learn from other professionals in our business
– opportunities to be an active member and build relationships
– the chance to invite other professionals to join and participate
– the chance to enter your work, to compete with your peers and earn an ADDY award
– monthly luncheons to hear speakers in your industry
– member discounts at luncheons and events
– become a leader in AAF and learn leadership skills
– discounts locally and nationally with AAF partners

If you renew immediately upon receiving the notice – you will save us from making a zillion calls to remind you, and we can use our time to recruit new members to make our club strong and healthy! So renew right away please.

Books of Lunch Tickets coming soon – We will be adding a new perk to the list soon. Your company will be able to purchase books of lunch tickets at a discount off even the member rate. This means no check or credit card will be needed to encourage members to attend luncheon events. A simple code will be used to enter into the online reservation system and that is it. The tickets can be passed out to employees who will benefit from a specific speaker topic and the tickets can be used all year. Fantastic member opportunity coming – the chance to save 10% on lunches by purchasing ticket books of 10 tickets….

Renewal Big Favor – If your membership is coming up for renewal – please renew quickly to save Teri and your membership committee our time calling to remind you. That would allow us to use our time to call prospective new members that might like to join. This will be SO appreciated….

Earn your Referral Back Scratcher – Speaking of prospective new members – remember to claim your AAF one-of-a-kind back scratcher. Don’t be the only one unable to scratch that itch in the middle of your back!! Simply turn in names of people you think would benefit from joining our club – OR better yet… invite them to come to our next luncheon and experience AAF for themselves. Then claim your remarkable AAF back scratcher from Teri at the next luncheon.


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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