
Membership Committee Update – August 2017

You have heard about our active and fun Membership Committee lunches – there are only a few opportunities for normal people to join us (we are abnormally wonderful!!). Here is one of those opportunities.  We are looking for two very special people – those with really out of the box creative ideas for encouraging membership and who have a hankering to join our team.  If you are new, or long time members and you want to get active in AAF Omaha – let either Robert Richardson or April Clark (or Teri Hamburger) know that your deepest desire is to be on the Membership Committee and we will welcome you with all our arms.  Just speak up and the wild things will say “Come In”.

We welcome Robert Richardson who has moved on up to co-direct our committee with April Clark.  How does that song go “Movin’ on up…” – thank you Robert!

Your 2017-18 membership committee is already at work for you.

A new Member Ad-Perk is generating surprise gifts for our members at various events.  So do attend the AAF Omaha events and you may be the recipient of the newest craze – you will recognize it when you see it!! Can’t tell you more, it’s a surprise.  But I will tell you, you must be present to be gifted.

If you are a bit tardy on renewing your AAF Omaha membership, you may be the recipient of a caring and comforting call from Terrance Martin –  our “master of the renewal” committee member. He is so good at showing you why you shouldn’t let your membership lapse that you will renew without a second thought.  BUT we would rather you respond to Teri’s reminder emails long before you get to Terrance’s desk – so if you are a recipient of  a Teri reminder – please click on that renew button, part with your dues and be certain to stay an active member of AAF Omaha.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t invite all AAF Omaha members to our next free member AdConnect event.  Put a “save the date” on your calendar for August 24th from 5-7 PM.  Stephanie Sullivan single-handedly put together an unbelievable free to members AdConnect extravaganza at the 1912 Benson Rooftop Tavern in Benson (6201 N Maple St ).  Guests are welcome for a nominal fee.  Come for food, drinks, fun, networking, gift drawings and in general a fantastic evening!!

And in closing – we need YOUR help!  Every time you meet with other ad agency and marketing people DON’T FORGET – tell them about AAF Omaha and invite them to the next event. Tell them how valuable your membership is (at ONLY $90 a year!!) and spread the word.  We do NOT want to be a best kept secret – share us with Omaha.

And your membership team will say “thank you”!


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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