
Membership Committee Update – May 2020

BobMancusoSubmitted by Bob Mancuso

AAF Omaha Membership Team Co-Chair

AAF Omaha Membership Team Chairs: Paula Steenson and Bob Mancuso

Membership Committee Members:- Kelly Sohns, Alec Rahe, Kathy McArdle, Vicki Voet, Brigid McCormick

With the news about COVID-19 – we are in unprecedented times and things are changing daily. The AAF Omaha Board of Directors have been committed since mid-March to offer our members and the advertising community virtual educational programming, events and content. We are able to continue our mission, “…to offer an organization to educate, inspire and bring an inclusive sense of community to the advertising professionals of Omaha so that we, and future generations, can continue to do the work we love.”

On April 16 we had a super webinar on Communication During the Coronavirus. David Campbell, President and COO of Chernoff Newman, led the webinar and gave us great tips on crisis communication. If you would like a copy of Campbell’s presentation contact the AAF Omaha office.

On April 21 Morning Consult and the American Advertising Federation discussed during a webinar including a virtual panel discussion about new data examining how brands can navigate this tumultuous and troubling time by driving situation-sensitive, yet purpose-led growth. Data was shared and discussions led to consumer reactions to advertising content that addresses the COVID-19 crisis.

On May 14 AAF Omaha hosted AdReads Book Club and Virtual Happy Hour. This was our first virtual book club gathering on Zoom. We discussed Advertising for Skeptics from the author of Amazon #1 selling advertising books Babmen and Laughting@Advertising, Bob Hoffman. Bob Hoffman helped us kickoff our first book club by joining us and leading our discussion. Bob shared his insights on advertising’s “Decade of Delusion.” If you were not able to join us or have not read Bob’s newest book Advertising for Skeptics it is well worth reading. “If one could write with a knife, Bob Hoffman would be the first to do so…he analyses the stupidity in business, marketing and advertising with such great humor that it actually hurts…” –Amazon Review

Some future events –

May 28 – Professional Development Webinar – The Viewing Vortex: What’s Swirling Out There to View and Buy in 2020. A free webinar!

June 2 – Webinar – Free for members – Introducing Your Clients on Branded Podcasts presented by Yeosh Bendayan. A virtual event for you to enjoy!

June 26 – American Advertising Awards – the national ADDYs Show. With AAF’s national conference canceled in June the national American Advertising Awards – ADDYs Award Show will be virtual this year. Watch for details on how to register to attend the ADDYs this year – free to our members!

I would like to remind AAF Omaha members to watch for your membership renewal notice. Renew quickly so you don’t miss one minute of AAF Omaha programming and events at special member pricing!

Please help us get the word out about the AAF Omaha organization to the marketing professionals you meet with and invite them to all future events. Tell them about the benefits AAF Omaha has to offer and that membership in the unifying voice of advertising helps everyone in the industry.

The AAF Omaha membership benefits include the following:

  • Access to professional development events discussing the latest trends in our industry / profession from experts who will educate, motivate, and intrigue you.
  •  Access to discounts for club events, luncheons, and the American Advertising Awards. Plus you are eligible for special discounts on shipping, car rentals, insurance, supplies and more.
  • Free job postings on the AAF Omaha website.
  • Free resume postings on the AAF Omaha website.
  • Fun networking events throughout the year including AdWars, Bowl-a-Rama, AdConnect, AAF Open Golf, and the Holiday Luncheon.
  • Opportunity to share ideas, discuss marketing challenges, and brain storm ideas.
  • Local AAF Omaha membership also gives you AAF National membership which plays a significant role in supporting charities, legislation, and issues that affect your business.

We are in uncharted territory with the pandemic. Let us hope for the best as the world turns and be safe out there.


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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