
Membership Committee: Welcome to 2017

Welcome to 2017 – from your membership committee!

If there is anyone out there who has on their bucket list that you ALWAYS wished to be on the AAF Membership committee – feel free to contact Stephanie Sullivan, Teri Hamburger or April Clark – we would love to have you join us.

We have fun monthly meetings at Mark’s Bistro where we determine how to share the AAF experience with people from other ad agencies and marketing departments.

We design brochures, thank you notes and other tools for membership to spread the word.

We call and email associates in our industry to share the word about AAF.

So volunteer today – the more you help your organization, the stronger your networking ties, and the more you get out of AAF.

Here is what your membership Team has been up to in the last month.
We are working to plan the next AdConnect FREE member event in conjunction with Meet the Pros closing event. Put February 21 from 5 – 7 PM on your calendar to join us at Spirit World in Aksarben Village. Food + networking + cash bar = great fun!

You should have received our Member or Non Member AAF Omaha annual survey last month- thank you to all who took time to complete the survey and send it back. All the AAF Omaha committees use the suggestions and ideas people shared to improve and re-direct our club.

We also make calls to people and companies that don’t renew their AAF membership – to find out “Why not?” and if we can help you to decide to re-join. This successful effort usually finds that people simply forgot to re-up, and we remind them! So when you get the call – go to the AAF Omaha website and renew.

Your Membership Team also welcomes referrals – if you know of a new ad agency or a new company that would be a good lead for members – just email one of us with the company name, contact, email and phone number – we will do the rest and follow up to tell them our story and why they should join our Omaha AAF club. So mention AAF and why you love it and how you get a lot out pf belonging – to anyone you think would benefit.
Invite them to a luncheon or event (Meet the Pros is coming up – why not bring two people you know?) to introduce them to AAF!

It takes everyone – all members – to build a great organization. So get active! Share your AAF experience! And invite people to join us at an AAF event.

Happy New Year everyone,
April Clark and Stephanie Sullivan / Membership Co-Chairs


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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