
The Membership Committee Thanks You!

AAF Goal Thermometer_Chart

Submitted by April Clark, Membership Committee Co-Chair

Your membership committee sends out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to click on the member and non member surveys last week. We had 10% more responses than last year, and you all gave us lots of information to digest and use for future AAF events, luncheons and activities. Thank you for your ideas. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your referrals. Thank you for being interested enough in our club to give us your thoughts!!

The last question on both surveys asked you to enter your name to be entered into the drawing for a free one year membership in AAF Omaha.

The grand prize winner was…. imagine a Drum Roll… Rachel Skaff with the Omaha World-Herald. Congratulations Rachel!!! Thank you all for entering the drawing.

The good news from your Membership Committee is that teamwork works to accomplish a goal. It takes a village to keep a club vibrant and full of life and we did!!!!

– Our Board members helped reactivate past members with personal calls and emails – it worked!!

– Many people earned back scratchers by referring people they thought would benefit from AAF and many of those referrals joined!!!

– The membership committee followed up with renewing members, prospective members, referrals and new corporate possible members with great results!!!

– We tried a lot of new things this year – and they worked too!!!

The end result is more than 40 brand new members and many, many renewals. And we met our membership goals for the 2015-2016 year!!! Thanks to everyone jumping in to help. We knew our committee couldn’t do it alone – and we didn’t have to!!!

A big thank you to Greg Ahrens who used his many creative skills to design anything we asked him to – a new AAF Omaha brochure, a membership measuring thermometer design for email messages and the AdMuse, a ticket booklet that will be offered as part of membership dues next year and lots of other ideas.

And another big thank you to Jim Janicki who designed our new AAF Omaha Thank You notes and envelopes so we can thank new members in real style for joining, as well as his great ideas.

A big THANK YOU as well to Jill Regester – my co-chair, Kathy McArdle, Terrance Martin and Lori Shields for their enthusiasm, input and hard work on our committee.

We are still working to follow up on the referrals in the survey, people who are up for membership renewal and new companies that will benefit from membership in AAF Omaha. So please continue to :

– keep your eyes open for prospective new members

– as soon as you get your renewal notice – send in your renewal

– continue to let us know what will make our club even more awesome by sharing your ideas, by joining a committee, and by attending events.


Envoy: Smart People, Creative Ideas, Effective Solutions. A certified women-owned business.

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