
Membership Committee: Two Basic Assignments

Submitted by April Clark, Membership Committee Co-Chair

AAF Omaha membership committee has two basic assignments: Retaining current members and enticing new members to join our club.
Here is how you all can help us to complete our assignments:

Keeping members is a top priority for our whole club, but especially my committee. We look for ways to improve the member experience by regularly asking you – via survey or conversations –  about your interests and what you would like the club to do. We try to make sure members are informed, involved, and recognized for your contributions. This happens in the AdMuse, during luncheons and other events, and on our web site.

We track trends in project participation and engagement, length of membership, and social activity to reveal concerns that may need to be addressed. Whether you as members decide to stay or go is affected by the club experience, which is shaped by every single member. Your membership committee works to develop goals and a detailed action plan for achieving them. Then we work to get you all on board and let you know what you can do to improve the club experience.

If our club isn’t fun and worthwhile, then our members won’t renew.

Although our committee leads the club’s membership efforts, recruiting is the responsibility of each and every member, and that is YOU! Please continue to encourage all our members to ask friends, family, business associates, and other community members to join us in exchanging ideas, networking and taking action.

Remember – enthusiastic, engaged members are more likely to attract prospective members who will become involved and active themselves.

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