
AAF Nebraska Legislative Resource Guide

legislative committee resources for our members

The Second Session of the 108th Nebraska Legislature convened on January 3, 2024.
We hope these resources are helpful to our members and the Nebraska advertising, marketing, and communication community.

The 2024 legislative calendar can be found here.
2024calendar.pdf (nebraskalegislature.gov)Make Your Voice Heard This Session!
Suggested ways to share your voice on legislation that’s important to you!

  • To be included in a bill’s legislative record, you must either testify in-person or submit an online comment prior to the hearing.
  • Online public comments for the record must be submitted by 12:00 PM the day before the hearing via the online comment portal to be added to the official public hearing record.
  • You can contact your senator by email or their office phone number on the issues that matter to you, your company, your employees and your customers.

Helpful Links


If you have questions or an interest in joining the AAF Nebraska Legislative team, contact AAF Nebraska Board Member and Legislative Chair, Robert Richardson.



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