Digital Advertising Alliance is Expanding its Industry Integrations for Consumer Choice Tools Regarding Interest-Based Advertising, and Enhancing its Political Ads Platform for Election 2024
The Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA)—of which AAF is a founding association—joined AAF members who participated in our 2023 Advertising Day on the Hill.
The DAA’s community’s strength has come from its foresight and its proactive actions to codify and live by responsible industry practices. Those practices and that commitment has allowed our industry to help shape policy debates, media and consumer attitudes.
This quarter, numerous large-scale projects are being worked on inside DAA which may be important to AAF members who vet and evaluate ad tech players on behalf of their clients.
CMP CoMPlement: This past quarter, DAA announced its plan for working with consent management platforms or providers (CMPs). The CMP CoMPlement project consists of interface guidance and an integration specification (a signal and API) that CMPs can use to bridge consumer choices between the DAA and their own respective offerings, utilizing the ubiquitous AdChoices icon . While it’s named the “CMP CoMPlement,” the work also applies to customer data platforms (CDPs) and any other third party that handles consumer consent signals. To learn more about this initiative and to get the CMPs you work with involved, please get in touch with DAA’s Jamie Monaco (cmp@aboutads.info).

Political Ad Icon Serving & Ad Database: Demand-side platforms and publishers alike will want to pay attention to the services offered through the updated purple icon program, the DAA Political Ad icon. The DAA’s program features a self-serve icon-serving platform that participants (campaigns and PACs, directly or through their agencies) can use to place transparency information atop their political ads—much as the blue AdChoices icon does for privacy information. This election cycle, the DAA also offers an ad database to store ad creatives for up to five years—that can serve as a state registry. Both the icon serving and ad database have an API for integration. To explore Political Ad icon licensing and platform participation, click here.
Addressable Media Identifiers: If AAF-member agency clients rely on private-sector offered identity solutions to maintain consumer/brand engagement across sites, apps, platforms and browsers, then now is the time to demand DAA certification on these these AMI solutions—to assert, through an independent third party, that such solutions adhere fully to the DAA-administered AMI Policy Framework. We are also asking brands and publishers now to include DAA-certified AMIs in their RFPS, policies and contracts. Point your identity service providers here to initiate the AMI certification process
More Than Token Change: DAA’s YourAdChoices—a transparency and consumer control tool for token opt-out/revocation is already in market—using hashed email addresses as advertising identifiers. The DAA is now in process of testing an opt-out tool for hashed phone numbers (initially focusing on smartphones)—to provide similar choice, through a verified process. For those ad tech companies using DAA’s WebChoices and AppChoices, who may be turning to token identifiers as cookie and mobile ad identification alternatives or supplements, now is the time to sign up for testing. To get started, use the “YourAdChoices” tick box on our choice tools integration form.
These are not the only DAA initiatives underway now. AAF will continue to brief its members on these necessary tools and protocols to enhance consumer engagement and help build trust through enhanced transparency and control—no matter what state and federal laws may pass. |