
AAF Legislative Reception

1488658336877March is “Legislative Action Month” for AAF Omaha members, non-members and friends of AAF Omaha. Just recently, Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert issued a proclamation declaring March “Legislative Action Month.”

On March 2nd AAF Omaha, in partnership with AAF Lincoln, hosted a Legislative Meet and Greet session with Nebraska lawmakers at Billy’s Restaurant in Lincoln.

The AAF Omaha Legislative team and club leaders shared the federation’s Legislative Issues Focus Areas for the year and the benefits the advertising industry brings to the state of Nebraska.

2016-2017 Legislative Issues Focus Areas

1. The Dept. of Labor’s new Overtime Rules and impact on advertising, marketing and PR firms.

2. Taxation across states and the requirements for advertising and marketing.

3. Allied industries and growing competition.

4. Internet Privacy Rule.

The Nebraska advertising industry is a vibrant community of creative professionals including broadcasters, copywriters, commercial photographers, video production, commercial artists and graphic design, and commercial printers.

Advertising is a powerful engine that helps drive the economy of Nebraska. In a recent AAF study advertising expenditures account for $33.1 billion of economic output or sales in Nebraska – that is 15.2% of the $218.5 billion in total economic output in the state. Sales of products and services that are driven by advertising help support 111,999 jobs representing 10.7% of the 1.1 million jobs in Nebraska.

Thank you to our Legislative team for meeting with our state lawmakers this month and sharing the important message of the “unifying voice of advertising.”

AAF Omaha Legislative Leaders
AAF Omaha Legislative Chair: Tammy Williams, First National Bank
Committee Members:
Dave Webster, Webster
Ryan Horn, Sadler-Innocenzi
Kim Mickelson, Bozell
Penny Hatchell, Envoy, Inc.
Michael Johnson, Bailey Lauerman





AAFO NewsLegislative Issues
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