
Five Things You Didn’t Know about AAF Omaha Member Rod Coleman

Rod Coleman 2017

Rod Coleman
Director of Project Management

Hello Everyone, this is my second year with AAF Omaha. I was born in Aiken, South Carolina but my dad was in the military which brought us to Omaha along with a few other states. I joined Bozell in 2015 after four years as the marketing manager of a South Korean manufacturing subsidiary, Dae Seong Gear/EM Gear. I am currently the Director of Project Management which means I help improve processes to make work flow through the agency smoother. I also work with a variety of clients including Omaha Performing Arts, Greater Omaha Packing and Grain Systems.

What was your first job?
Delivering newspapers for the Omaha World-Herald. Getting up at 3am was tough in Junior High, but it taught me discipline.

What makes a good boss? (If you’re the boss, what makes a good employee?)
A good boss is a servant leader. They don’t just give commands, but are willing to get in the trenches with you and get work done. They also want to see you grow and reach the goals that you set. Their gut instinct is to serve above all else regardless of title.

Favorite brand mascot? Ex: Mr. Clean or the Charmin Bears
Chester the Cheetah (Frito-Lay/ Cheetos)

What is your passion in life?
My passion is to have a positive impact on people. This seems kind of broad, but it doesn’t take much to do that. It could be something small like a friendly smile to a large act of kindness by volunteering. Any of those things can positively impact people and I try to do that often.

If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would you be and why?
Tristan Walker, Founder of Walker and Co. He has had the innate ability to identify companies before they took off and get in on the ground floor including Foursquare and Twitter. Now he has created two brands, which ultimately are no longer relegating minorities to 2nd class consumers. Overall, he is having a positive impact on the culture and ultimately helping the next generation advance with Code 2040. The ability to be involved with his two new brands and the amount of people he positively affects each day would be great.


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