
Government Affairs: February 2016 Update

Sheila1113-2-150x150Contributed by Sheila O’Connor, AAF Omaha Board Member & Legislative Issues Chair

Nearly 450 Bills Introduced In Legislature’s 2016 Session

January 20 was the deadline for new bill introduction at the Nebraska Legislature.  Exactly 445 bills have been introduced this session – this total does not include resolutions and constitutional amendments.  This is in addition to more than 400 measures carried over from last year.  With less than 50 working days remaining in the 2016 session, committees will hold afternoon hearings on new bills through March 3.  Senators and committees have until February 19 to designate their priority legislation. For information on your Nebraska Legislature, please visit http://nebraskalegislature.gov/index.php.

Due to scheduling conflicts, we will not host a Legislative Reception this year.  If you are interested in contacting your State Senator, information is available at http://nebraskalegislature.gov/senators/senator_find.php.



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