
Legislative Committee Update – June 2017

Tammy_Williams_2015_cropContributed by Tammy Williams, AAF Omaha Board Member and Legislative Issues Chair

Happening at the National level

The Legislative Issues Committee continues to follow developments that could impact advertising and communication decisions at the state and local level. The American Advertising Federation’s Clark Rector, Jr, EVP of Government Affairs, recently issued the latest Government Report, which published June 5, 2017.

Highlights of this report include an update on the House Ways and Means Committee’s first hearing on Tax Reform. In addition, Rector reports on a major piece of Privacy Legislation, introduced by Congresswoman Marcia Blackburn, who also led the effort to repeal the FCC’s recent privacy rulemaking, which the Legislative Issues Committee has been following since its passing under the Obama Administration.

Read the full report here:


Happening at the State and Local levels

The first session of the 105th Nebraska Legislature adjourned May 23, 2017. The latest Unicameral Update recapped some of the session’s accomplishments.

As the Unicameral stated, “Speaker Jim Scheer said among their many accomplishments this session, senators passed legislation to add a juvenile court judge in Douglas County, authorize new economic development districts on riverfronts and add a definition of dyslexia to the state’s education law.

Most importantly, he said, the Legislature addressed the budget shortfall and passed a balanced budget that does not raise taxes.”

Read full story here:


Legislative Issues Committee Meets with Chair of Revenue Committee

On May 31, 2017, the Legislative Issues Committee held a meeting with Senator Jim Smith, Chair of the Revenue Committee. Throughout 2016-2017 session, the committee has collected input from business owners within the Omaha advertising community and advanced an opportunity to clarify Rules and Regulation governing taxation of creative services. The meeting was productive in starting the discussion, and will continue to explore opportunities to clarify the regulations. Stay tuned to the Legislative Issues Committee updates for more on this developing opportunity.
The Legislative Issues Committee will continue to follow national issues, the State’s Unicameral Update and local news stories pertinent to advertising, communications and public relations industries and report on further developments in future issues of AdMuse.


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