
Legislative Committee Update – March 2018

Nicole Schmoll Board Photo 2017Contributed by Nicole Schmoll, AAF Omaha Board Member and Legislative Issues Chair

Happening at the National level

The Legislative Issues Committee continues to follow developments that could impact advertising and communication decisions locally. All has been quiet for the past month but as important updates are received, we will share them with AAF members here.

Happening at the State and Local levels

As a reminder, the Nebraska Legislature began its 60-day second session on January 3, 2018. Much legislative activity has ensued since then.



Perhaps the most important bill for small business owners, including marketing and advertising agencies, to consider is LB 1084, which was introduced by Sen. Tom Briese and looks to be headed to the ballot for voters to consider in November. Backed by the Farm Bureau, the bill looks to transfer spending and taxation, broadly, from counties to the state. With education funding needed to be made up in the shift, the state would likely have to replace funding now coming from farmers’ property taxes to sales and income tax raises and/or spending cuts.

While nothing is certain now, it is a development worth watching.

The Legislative Issues Committee will continue to follow national issues, the State’s Unicameral Update and local news stories pertinent to advertising, communications and public relations industries and report on further developments in future issues of AdMuse.


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