
Legislative Committee Update – May 2020

Cassi Warren 2020Submitted by Cassi Warren
AAF Omaha Legislative Committee Chair

The Institute of Advertising Ethics will be convening its Inaugural Symposium virtually on June 8, 2020. The symposium will include a “Data & Ethics” roundtable followed by conversations from MasterCard, Omnicom, Microsoft, The Attorney General of California, the American Advertising Federation, and others. To register for the symposium and find more information on how you can become an IAE Trust Ambassador, visit http://aafomaha.org/news/ethics-event-on-june-8th-launch-of-ceae-program-in-2021/

The focus on privacy for consumer information has been in the forefront of discussion and California continues to be the state to watch. Their regulations have not been finalized, but enforcement of their privacy act is expected to be July 1. As more states consider similar legislation, the AAF National has expressed written concerns regarding the early drafts of Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Data Act (CUPIDA) from The Uniform Law Commission. To learn more about this act and read the AAF’s April Government Report, visit https://aafomaha.org/news/aaf-national-government-report-april-2020/


Legislative Issues
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