
Legislative Update – August

Sheila1113-2-150x150Contributed by Sheila O’Connor, Former AAF Omaha Board Member & Legislative Issues Chair

Five ways states and cities are luring business’

(CNBC) — CNBC.com, in a follow-up to its recent Top States for Business rankings, examines key qualities of the states and cities that are attracting new businesses.  The article quotes Katie Culp, president of KSM Location Advisors, a firm that advises clients about economic development incentives, location analysis and economic development opportunities in 48 states.  “Often, but not always, the states that offer the more aggressive incentives have to for some reason,” she said.  “Plus, some incentive programs are hard to tap into because they are so complex, according to Culp.”  According to experts and entrepreneurs, five important factors that make states attractive to business are: Vibrant college towns; abundant financing; low taxes; support for Main Street businesses; and easy transportation.

See the original story here.


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