
Nebraska Privacy Hearing Set for February 28

On February 28 Nebraska state legislators will hold a hearing on LB 1188, seeking to adopt the Uniform Personal Data Protection Act (UPDPA). As proposed, the bill presents yet another set of privacy standards to be met by Nebraska businesses. If passed, the bill may provide individuals with fewer, and more limited, rights including the right to copy and correct personal data. In addition, the bill may not include the right of individuals to delete their data or the right to request the transmission of their personal data to another entity. It is the position of the AAF that while maintaining online privacy is critically important, federal standards are necessary so as to prevent the promulgation of state-by-state privacy legislation which in itself may be a disservice to consumers and negatively affect competition. At the very least, proposed state privacy legislation should align with other state privacy bills, such as the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act. At this point, only Nebraska and Oklahoma are considering the adoption of UPDPA.

AAF Nebraska members interested in voicing their concerns are encouraged to contact the bill’s sponsor, Senator Mike Flood at mflood@leg.ne.gov.

Link to find Nebraska Legislature, Senators by District: https://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/senators/senator_list.php


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