The AAFO Public Service Committee thanks all of the AAFO members who generously gave of their time and talents to help us develop the new Heartland Hope Mission website, banner and materials for their Open House event to celebrate their new building on 21st & U Street. Please check out the ne
w website at!
Our thanks to:
Teresa Lauver, C&A Industries
Scott Rowe, B2 Interactive
Todd Eby, Eby Creative
Kyle Giwoyna, Advanced Services Inc.
Kim Erickson, Amplified Image Marketing
Mike Compton, Renze Display
Work has already begun on the 2015-2016 AAFO Public Service campaign. You’ve read about it in the papers and seen it on the news—and our beautiful city is plagued with it. While happening all the time around us, events that bring millions of dollars and much needed positive publicity to Omaha each year also bring a rash of human trafficking.
AAFO is pleased to announce that the Coalition on Human Trafficking, a group dedicated to eradicating human trafficking in the Omaha area has been designated as the recipient of this year’s efforts. While a multi-faceted approach will be completed, our primary goal will be to educate the public about human trafficking and what to do if they see it.
The Coalition is comprised of representation from the Sisters of Notre Dame, the Douglas County Sherriff’s Department, the Office of the Attorney General, State of Nebraska, The Women’s Fund of Omaha, Project Harmony and the Omaha Archdiocese.
Although we’ve only just begun, we have identified the following needs for the organization:
1. Brand Identity: While their mission and voice is clear, their logo and materials could use a facelift. This will include a logo, letterhead, envelope and business cards. This work must be completed quickly so that we can move forward with:
2. A website: Currently the group does not have a site.
3. Collateral materials: Including a brochure Power Point template for educational presentations, and informational letters
4. Social media management
5. Media planners and buyers
6. Public relations
We will need a team to start from scratch and are looking for:
a. Project managers
b. Programmers
c. Designers
d. Content developers/social media specialists
e. Public & media relations specialists
f. Writers
g. Proofers
We will need many hands on deck to complete the work needed for the Coalition this year. If you or your agency are interested in learning more or want to become involved in this very important effort, please contact Angel Carl at 402-578-5788 or for more information.