
Redistricting and Massachusetts Digital Ad Tax Hearing

With the start of the new year comes Nebraska state senatorial redistricting and a first hearing on a potential state digital ad tax. Nebraska senate districts have been redrawn with a number of changes. To determine if representation has changed in a particular district, visit the Nebraska unicameral web page at https://nebraskalegislature.gov/senators/senator_find.php.

The state of Massachusetts’ Joint Revenue Committee is holding its first hearing on potential digital ad taxes. Interested parties are encouraged to sign on to the letter opposing the four bills submitted by the Association of National Advertisers on HB 4042, HB 2894, HB 3981, and HB 4179, all of which would establish taxes on digital advertising. To do so, parties need only email their company logo (as either a jpeg or PDF file) to Travis Frazier by Wednesday, January 19, 2022, Manager of Governmental Relations at the ANA at tfrazier@ana.net. It is important to note that this is merely a hearing, required by Massachusetts law on all bills to be considered by the state.

As always, the Legislative Affairs Committee continues to monitor the possible institution of state advertising or digital advertising taxes across the U.S. To learn more, contact Jeffrey Maciejewski at jeffm@creighton.edu, or Cassi Warren at cewarren@hearst.com.


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