
Student Profile | Madison Siglin | Creative Center

MadisonMadison Siglin
AAF Omaha Student Member

I grew up in rural Iowa and moved to Omaha to attend art college, Currently, I am a 20-year-old Graphic Design student at the Creative Center, college of art and design, working hard toward my Bachelor’s degree and graduation in June.

During high school, I discovered a love for different kinds of art, from participating in the Iowa High School Speech Association, performing in Improv, and taking a variety of fine art classes. When it came to choosing a field to pursue, it was obvious to me that art was the way to go. I found my career choice with Graphic Design.

While attending the Creative Center and enjoying my time here, I have really found my life’s purpose. I have developed my fine art skills – and now computer skills – over the past two years. This year will be my last, as I learn more of the business side of the Graphic Design field. The school has helped me to understand what really makes good design and the discipline needed to succeed. During the past school year, to my surprise and honor, I was awarded a Gold 2017 Nebraska ADDY for a Dunkin™ Donuts magazine advertisement. This same advertisement recently won a Silver AIGA award which was very exciting for me. While working on this project, I was caught with “artist block”; when I need inspiration I often turn to those around me whether this be friends or family. This project taught me about time management skills and working through obstacles to still get work done and to do it proficiently.

I tremendously enjoy the challenge of coming up with creative and original design solutions to branding, marketing, and advertising problems. It is fulfilling for me to create a logo and bring it together to create a brand identity for a company and have my ideas come to life. I’m excited to jump into the field after graduation and start the next chapter of my life in design and advertising and grow to my potential.


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