
Swanson Russell Receives Best of Show at Region II Best of Nama Awards

Swanson Russell BestofNAMA 2020 - Winner1LINCOLN, Neb. (January 26, 2021) – Swanson Russell received five honors at the National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Region II awards held on January 14. Best of NAMA honors exemplary work in agricultural communications.

The agency accepted an advertising best of show award for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board “Your Dollar Does” multimedia campaign.

The agency accepted three first place awards in the following categories:

  • AMVAC: Product Logo System, Corporate Identity
  • Cattlemen’s Beef Board: “Your Dollar Does” Multimedia Campaign
  • Koch Agronomic Services: 2020 ANVOL CropLife Advertorial

In addition, the agency accepted a merit award for AMVAC’s Virtual Media Event.

Swanson Russell’s award-winning entries will now advance to the national competition held in July.

“This event showcases some of the strongest communications work in the agriculture industry,” said Brent Schott, president of Swanson Russell. “With over 900 entries this year, it was an honor being recognized among all the winners.”

Swanson Russell is a nationally recognized full-service branding, advertising and public relations agency in Lincoln and Omaha, Nebraska. The agency partners with clients across many industries while specializing in agriculture, construction, landscape/turf, outdoor recreation and healthcare. To learn how Swanson Russell builds a Real Connection™ between brands and audiences, visit swansonrussell.com.



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