[Legislative Issues]

March is Legislative Action Month

March is Legislative Action Month The American Advertising Federation Omaha (AAF Omaha) is the unifying voice for advertising in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metropolitan area. As advocates for the rights of advertisers, the club educates policy makers, the media and the public on the value advertising brings to the well-being of the community. AAF Omaha fosters the highest standards of practice and cultivates the industry’s present and future leaders....

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AAFO NewsLegislative Issues

AAF Government Report | January 30, 2017

AAF’s Advocacy and Action: Advertising Day on the Hill is fast approaching. This exciting event will be held on Thursday, March 30 with a preconference dinner on Wednesday evening, March 29. AAF’s unique strength in Washington, DC is as a grassroots organization and the Day on the Hill is a time for those grassroots to be heard. Attendees will be briefed on the issues by policy experts, hear from lawmakers and regulators and walk the Halls of Congress delivering the advertising industry’s message. Read More

AAF National NewsLegislative Issues

Legislative Spotlight – December

Your AAF Omaha Legislative Issues Committee has been meeting monthly advocating for our members and the rights of advertisers throughout Nebraska and western Iowa. Thank you to our strong committee and their dedication to keep you informed to issues important to our industry. Read More

Legislative Issues

AAF Government Report | April 2016

According to a new study published in the journal Obesity, rates of childhood obesity in the United States haven’t declined in any age group for the past 15 years. The researchers say they used the most recent CDC National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data to study childhood obesity rates from 1999 to 2014, and concluded there hasn’t been a significant drop—even among children Read More

AAF National NewsLegislative Issues

AAF Government Report | March 2016

Since many state legislatures only meet for a few weeks or months in the beginning of the year, and nearly all must meet early year budget deadlines, talk of taxing advertising usually occurs in the winter and spring. 2016 is no exception. The AAF has received reliable reports that taxing advertising has been the subject of discussion by some lawmakers in Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, West Virginia and the city of Tucson, Arizona. Read More

Legislative Issues

AAF Government Report: July 31, 2015

As Congress prepares to leave Washington, DC for the August recess, the odds keep getting longer that comprehensive or corporate tax reform will happen before the next election. The remainder of 2015 is likely to be dominated by other issues, including funding the federal government and extending the debt limit, the highway spending bill and the Iran nuclear agreement. Tax reform is considered much too partisan to have a realistic chance of being enacted in 2016, a presidential election year. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., has acknowledged that the issue will need to wait until after the election. Read More

Legislative Issues

AAF Government Report: June 26, 2016

Members of Congress Defend Advertising

Representatives Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., Kevin Yoder, R-Kan., and nearly 100 of their Congressional colleagues have written to House leadership defending the current tax treatment of advertising. The letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. points out the detrimental effect that a change to the tax treatment of advertising would have. It cites the IHS Global Insight economic study that shows 21.7 million U.S. jobs and $5.8 trillion in U.S. sales are supported by Read More

Legislative Issues

2015 Legislative Session

‘Speaker Hadley: Lawmakers had great session’

(Nebraska Radio Network) — NebraskaRadioNetwork.com reports that that Speaker of the Legislature, Sen. Galen Hadley of Kearney, said he considers the 2015 legislative session a successful one. Read More

AAFO NewsLegislative Issues
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